The Fourfold Vision

The Fourfold Vision by F. Sherwood Taylor

Catherine Rachel John
Catherine Rachel John

A good friend of mine, Rachel John, asked me to republish this book from her personal library as it was out of print. Although I put it into print with for a while – it made no sales so I am publishing it here as a PDF file to fulfil my promise to her.

Rachel, who has now passed on, inherited the authorship of The Penguin Dictionary of Saints from her father, Donald Attwater and was also authoress of The Cornish Book of Saints, amongst others. Here’s a picture of her. I must admit I still find myself missing her.


The Fourfold Vision
The Fourfold Vision

Originally published in 1945, The Fourfold Vision makes a welcome return. Here is the full integration of science and issues of faith from the pen of a master.

Sherwood Taylor has gained great respect for his work on The Alchemist and many other books where scientific investigation meets with matters of belief. He was the first editor of ‘Ambix’ magazine and was Director at the Museum of History of Science in Oxford.

Join him here on a classic journey from the centre of Science and Philosophy to the heart of Art and Nature.

To download this book as a PDF, please click on the following link: The Fourfold Vision by F Sherwood Taylor