
Contents and links to Parliament Must Die from simonthescribe

1a. The Purpose of Humans?

This is an important discussion and one that doesn’t get enough ‘air’ time.

1b. Motivation to Breathe

This section looks at extending Maslow’s ‘Model of Human Needs’ from six to twelve levels.

1c. Paradigms of Philosophy

We have incompatible philosophies at the centre of human separation from nature.

1d. Eco Philosophy

Henryk Skolimowski’s comparison of our ‘present philosophy’ with ‘eco-philosophy’.

1e. Wetiko

Modern capitalism is rooted in cannibalistic culture.

1f. The Wisdom of Indigenous people

The indigenous peoples wiped out by capitalism have many answers to sustainable life.

2a. The Purpose of Government

Society and the individuals that make it up rely on a process of synergy.

2b. Government Protects Us?

When you look at what they actually do – they are the instigators of conflict.

2c. Government Fosters Wellbeing?

They treat us like mushrooms by keeping us in the dark and feeding us on bullshit.

2d. Government is Honest?

Many of our fundamental rights as citizens have already been removed.

2e: Representative Democracy?

You think that one person in Parliament can represent 94,000 people?

2f. National Debt

Watch the National Debt Clocks rack up the thousands that each one of us owes.

2g. Unreasoned Dedication to Capitalism

We have to dismantle the rights of ecocidal corporations that destroy nature for profit.

2h. The Pirates of Capitalism

Progress is measured by the speed at which we destroy the conditions that sustain life.

2i. Government in Denial

Selective accounting and offshoring emissions still rule whilst publishing lies in green ink.


2j. Investigatory Powers Act

The UK intelligence agencies and police have the most extreme surveillance powers .

2j. Puppet Government

Follow the money to see whose hands are in the glove puppet!

2l. Trade Agreements

Check out some of these trade-agreements to see what they are after.

2m. The Ministry of Truth

Any information not in compliance with the government is fake news.

2n. Croneyism

Take every opportunity to give contracts to your mates and then hide the evidence.

2o. Taxation and Slavery

If you add it all up – what actual % of your income goes to government?

2p. The Myth of Sustainability

What are we sustaining here? A huge lie or the ability for life on earth to continue?

2q. Free Market Economy

The free-market economy is an enemy to the natural world.

3a. The Control Systems: Media

Mass media controls our expectations of life through its illusions and fairy tales.

3b. The Control Systems: News Values

News is selected as relevant built on negative drama, conflict and spectacle.

3c. The Control Systems: Online News

We choose news-streams based on our own ‘filter bubble’.

3d. The Control Systems: Energy

If the universe is made of energy – why is it so damn expensive?

3e. The Control Systems: Money

We can forever use our capital assets, the earth itself, as a form of permanent income?

3f: The Control Systems: Money & Iceland

In the last big financial crash, Iceland did WHAT?

3g. The Control Systems: Medicine

Let’s make people believe they aren’t intelligent enough to look after themselves.

3h. The Control Systems: New Medical Science

Human beings are so much more than walking sacks of chemicals.

3i. The Control Systems: Government

If you step outside the norms of behaviour – you can expect to be taxed or fined.

3j. The Control Systems: Education and Training

Education has been hijacked by economic concerns and is now indoctrination.

3k. The Control Systems: Spectator Sport

Sorry I just hate spectator sports noises.

3l. The Control Systems: Marriage, Families and Sexuality

The family unit isn’t the only way to the future.


Historical collapses occurred when elites became oblivious to a catastrophic trajectory.

4b. Tipping Points

The devastation of the earth appears to be our destiny.

4c. The Cycles of Nature

Change is the only constant – bringing cycles of abundance, destruction and rebirth.

5a. FIGHT OR FLIGHT? The Deniers

That’s just a conspiracy theory isn’t it?

5b. FIGHT OR FLIGHT? The Survivalists and Moralists

Buy guns and ammo and get ready to shoot people and eat them.

5c. FIGHT OR FLIGHT? Activists and Terrorists

When laws are made to be unjust, civil disobedience is not only justified, it is essential.

5d. FIGHT OR FLIGHT? Finding Positive Hope

Finding positive hope in all this means deep transformation at a personal level.

6a. Shifting Democracy: Can Government Change?

Are we stuck with this anachronistic system of government or can it be changed?

6b. Shifting Democracy: Dissolution of Parliament

How is parliament dissolved?

6c. Shifting Democracy: Dissolving American Government

How can the American government system be changed?

6d. Shifting Democracy to Random

Sortition is a form of government under research by Extinction Rebellion.

6e. Shifting Democracy to Participatory

Would you vote directly on legislative issues of interest to you, if you could easily?

6f. Shifting Democracy: The Brexit Referendum

The Brexit Referendum – has it ruined participatory politics?

6g. Shifting Democracy: Anarchy is preferable

Take all the homeless people off the streets and put them into parliament. Sort of.

6h. Shifting Democracy: Phase Transition

During a phase transition, a system goes through a chaotic period.

7a. RESISTANCE IS FERTILE: Detaching from the System

The system will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling.

7b. RESISTANCE IS FERTILE: All Our Actions Are Political

Even taking a poo is a political act.

7c. RESISTANCE IS FERTILE: Personal Actions to Detach from the System

27 things you can do to detach from the system

7d. RESISTANCE IS FERTILE: Group Actions to Detach from the system

Group actions to detach from the system

7e. RESISTANCE IS FERTILE: Being in the moment

Many of the things that make life worth living exist only in the moment.

7f. RESISTANCE IS FERTILE: Forms of Resistance and Protest

Intellectual self-defence helps you recognise manipulations through words.

7fi. Language meta model

A powerful model for revealing manipulations in people’s words.


Take a look at ‘Liberate Tate’, art meets politics.

7h. RESISTANCE IS FERTILE: Resistance Art 1

Changing the labels: ‘This product kills bees.’

7i. RESISTANCE IS FERTILE: Art Resistance 2

The situation for the people of Brazil’s rainforest gets even more desperate.

7j. RESISTANCE IS FERTILE: Resistance Art 3

Seed bombs from the Anarchist’s Garden.

7k. RESISTANCE IS FERTILE: Direct Action and Protest

Turning the valves at The Climate Disobedience Centre


Millions of unconscious individuals not taking responsibility for their inner space.

8a. MAKING THE NEW: Permaculture

An innovative framework for creating sustainable ways of living.

8b. MAKING THE NEW: New Currencies

There’s so much more than money.

8c. MAKING THE NEW: Gift Economies

Start the revolution by giving stuff to your neighbours?

8d. MAKING THE NEW: Real Education

Our governments have forgotten what education is, who it is for and why we need it.

8e. MAKING THE NEW:  Community Engagement

We can build engaged communities where citizens are movers and shakers.

8f. MAKING THE NEW:  Endpiece

A leviathan is taking us all to the precipice. Where do you stand?

  1. Source books for Parliament Must Die